Links / Websites – The Stuttering Foundation is a site dedicated to providing information about stuttering for both consumers and professional who work with people who stutter. – The ISA is the International Stuttering Association which is a worldwide network for People Who Stutter, a non-profit umbrella association dedicated to close cooperation among independent national and international self-help organizations of people who stutter. – The National Stuttering Association (NSA) is the largest stuttering support group in the United States dedicated to supporting People Who Stutter, their families and the clinicians who serve them. - The International Fluency Association is a not-for-profit, international, interdisciplinary organization devoted to the understanding and management of fluency disorders, and to the improvement in the quality of life for persons with fluency disorders. - Talking about stuttering.
When speaking to PWS (People Who Stutter)
- The PWS should be listened to patiently, not be hurried and not interrupted
- NEVER finish a PWS word unless asked to by the PWS
- Don’t fill in words or supply answers
- Don’t look pained, pitying or impatient
- Do not withdraw eye contact, glance nervously at the PWS or stare vacantly into space
- Speak naturally
- Maintain an unhurried, calm and interested manner